Thursday, September 15, 2011

On my way!

So, I think that it was in the cab on the way to the airport that it actually all hit me like a sack of stereotypical-4-leaf-clovers in the head. I'm on my way to Ireland. On my own. With a great trajectory but no real destination.
Awesome. Great.
To give a bit of relief to those worried, I do have a friend I met on my recent trip to Boston who works for a distributor of Jameson. He conveniently will be in Dublin at the same time I am acting as a Canadian Ambassador for Jameson (because that's a real thing, if you were curious. Makes you want to rethink your career path, doesn't it?)
So, at least I'll have a familiar face.

Due to my nerves, there's a part of me that thinks I'll either break out in a non-contagious case of happy Tourettes (which probably isn't as real as whiskey ambassadors) or vomit on unsuspecting Irish persons around me.

So, I'm pre-occupying myself with a fun new game I made up for my Aer Lingus flight: Irish or American?

Person #1 - Orange hair: probably Irish (duh)
Person #2 - Sleek businessman who looks oddly terrified for no reason: probably American
Person #3 - Burly, white man in a form-fitting, button-up shirt that may or may not be sporting a touch of chest hair sprouting from the top, open button and a gold chain necklace: the world may never know

People watching makes everything better and oddly familiar.
Ah, well. Time to board. I can only hope #3 is sitting next to me so I can put my curiosity to rest.
I also hope me and my recently consumed McNuggets make it through the flight together. I predict 50/50 odds.
Place your bets.


Quick note, for those who know my college roommate, Veronique, her and her boyfriend left today on a 4-month backpacking trip to Asia. To see her blog, go to:
Bon voyage, V!

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